Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mrs. Keating is a Lesbo

So Meredith Baxter comes out as a lesbian. Why? Because she's looking for work, that's why.

 I did not need nor did I want to know that. I really don't care who she sleeps with or how she does it. But, people have no shame anymore.  They will say and do anything for their 15 minutes of fame or for money.  Some will say it's cathartic or therapeutic for them to go on a talk show and discuss things that used to be considered personal.  I say, bullshit, you just want the attention.   Then I change the channel.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Obama Show Must Go On

A couple of months ago I was channel surfing because Obama was all over the place. My then-6-year-old started whining, " Why is Obama always on the TV?".  Then just last week my 5 year old asked me, "Why is the Obama Show always on?" 

Tonight my children will miss Charlie Brown so the Obama Show can go on.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

AP Fact Checks Palin Book

I just the read the Associated Press article on Sarah Palin's new book Going Rogue. The "journalists" who wrote the article fact-checked 12 different points in her book.  Where were these "journalists" in 2007 and 2008 when we needed them?  Barack Obama had already "authored" two books of his own, on his favorite subject, himself.  The American public needed and deserved some fact-checking on this man back then. They had plenty of time to do it but somehow they just couldn't get around to it. Interesting. Then, McCain picked Sarah Palin for his running mate, she energized the Republican base, pushed McCain into the lead and somehow the MSM had plenty of time and resources to vet her.
Is it any wonder the American people do not trust the mainstream media? The MSMers are so high up in their ivory towers they can't even see America. The only America they know is the one portrayed on TV.


Oba Mao Visits China

President Obama is on his way to China, leaving our soldiers in Afghanistan wondering WTF is going on? It's obvious that our President thinks going to China is more important than making a decision on the situation in Afghanistan.  What could possibly be more important? Maybe it's the US Dollar.

The US$ is sinking fast and the White House and the rest of the world know this. China  has been hoarding gold and is now preparing to decouple the yuan from its US$ peg. They, along with Russia, Japan, Iran and France are also preparing to unhitch the US$ from Oil trading.  Once US Dollar hegemony ceases to exist, our economy is going to be in for a seismic shock of great magnitude.

All the cheap imports from China will become more expensive and shopping  at WalMart will be like shopping at Neiman Marcus. All imported goods and commodities like food and oil will become very expensive. Add to that the inflation caused by excessive money printing that is headed our way and the fact that we will not be able to pay for these things because no one will lend us any more money and the result will be high prices and scarcity.

Obama is now in China, prepared to kowtow at the altar of Communism and beg for mercy. How can he send more troops to Afghanistan if the Chinese won't lend us the money? Bernanke could print more but, will he? The Chinese have warned us not to monetize our debt, which we are doing anyway, because the dollars they will receive in the future will be worth less (worthless?) than the money they lent us.  And they are not happy about it. I wouldn't be happy and I suspect most of us wouldn't. But that is exactly what is happening to US citizens right now and has been for decades. The dollars you had yesterday are worth less today.
The Federal Reserve and the Treasury have been robbing us of purchasing power since 1913 (please read Ron Paul's book, End The Fed).  Now that decline is accelerating because of the massive amounts of dollars being printed in the names of TARP and Stimulus.

What will Obama and the Chinese officials be talking about? Let's take a guess. The Chinese are going to reprimand Obama for weakening the US Dollar and monetizing the debt. They will want to know how we intend to repay our debts. Our debts are now at the point of no return, we and our children and grandchildren, etc., can pay the interest for eternity but never pay off the principal. Do we give them Alaska? Our National Parks? Our nuclear weapons? What kind of deal are they going to cut?

Some say it will be dangerous to their economy if China decouples from the US$. But how so?  Their currency will appreciate and US citizens will not be able to afford their products. So what? There are all of the other countries in this world that have money in the bank whose own currencies will appreciate relative to the yuan.  There is a burgeoning middle class in China ready to buy up TV's, washing machines, computers, etc. They will be able to pick up the slack.

The Chinese are not stupid and they do not like being played for fools. Do you? I don't! They have been quietly preparing for the day of decoupling, their Economic Independence Day.  The government has been amassing gold reserves and have told their citizenry to buy gold and silver bullion. Have you heard anyone in our government recommend such a thing? No, they are either deluded into thinking their Ponzi scheme of fiat money will go on forever or they are, just simply, deceiving us.

The Chinese have been trading their US dollars for all kinds of  commodities, tangible goods, actual things they can own instead of worthless paper dollars. They are using SDR's and calling for a basket of currencies to replace the US Dollar. They have joined with other countries saying they will cease trading oil in US$ in a few years.  They are cutting deals left and right. They are doing everything they can to get rid of their US dollars. What do they know that we don't know?

The once Almighty Dollar has fallen. The world has withdrawn its grace.  We have become beggars. We have become bullies. If you don't lend us your money we will lower the interest rates. If you don't trade oil in dollars then we will come and destroy you (see Iraq). This is not America. If it's going to fall apart then let it. I really don't care anymore.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Fox News Flap

Fox News is not a news organization, it is a wing of the Republican Party, it is an opponent. So said, Anita Dunn, the lip-smacking, tongue-flailing, White House Communications Director.  Next we heard from David Axelrod and then Rahm Emanuel, who is worried that other "news" organizations like CNN should not "follow" Fox.  What is the meaning of all this attention on Fox and all this "worry" for the MSM "news" outlets?  What Rahmbo was really saying was "if Fox News breaks a story on any person or organization connected to Obama or the White House don't follow up on it". 

I believe this is related to those famous ACORN videos. After the videos got major play on Fox and You Tube, the MSM could not ignore it. So they tried to gain back some journalistic cred with viewers by playing some softball pieces on ACORN and interviewing their minions. Although their attempts were typical BS reporting from the MSM, I think the White House decided they had to "nip it in the bud".  Just think of the trouble Obama and Co. would have if the MSM suddenly decided that maybe they should do some investigating and real reporting.

What has not been stated is what will happen to these other "news" organizations if they do not heed the warning. Will they be publicly labeled "opinion journalism masquerading as news”, also, (the fact that they really are notwithstanding)? Will they lose access to the President and other White House officials for interviews like Fox News has? I can only guess that, yes, all of the above would come to pass for CNN, MSNBC,, if they decide to "follow" Fox. And I can only guess that, yes, these "news" organizations hear this implicit message loud and clear.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chicago's 2016 Olympic Bid Loss

Chicago was eliminated in the very first round. This was a stunning blow to all who thought that Chicago was one of the frontrunners for the 2016 Olympics. Obamaniacs believed the ONE and his wife plus "O" would pull it out in Copenhagen. Many conservative pundits believed it had to be a "done deal" before Obama would even think about flying to Copenhagen to make his pitch. I never thought Chicago had a chance. The only possible winner could have been Rio. And for one simple reason, MONEY. Of all the 4 cities vying for the Olympics, only Brazil, and therefore, Rio can AFFORD it. The U.S. is bankrupt and would have to borrow from the rest of the world which is all ready sick and tired of funding us. Spain's economy is in shambles and Tokyo, Japan is not in any great fiscal shape either. That leaves Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Brazil is currently enjoying a growing economy and has money in the bank. They can fund their Olympics projects independently.
How does the saying go? "Follow the money".


Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome Back, Carter

So, criticizing or disagreeing with Obama means one is a racist. I disagree with him on a number of issues, therefore I am a racist? When did that happen?

The only color I want any POTUS to be is red, white and blue, and certainly not RED. Does that make me a racist now?

It's funny that Jimmy Carter was the one to come out and say that. He was the worst President EVER . . . until now.

Obama = Jimmy Carter x 1,000,000,000,000.

