Last night Obama's teleprompter told to him say: "This is our generation's Sputnik moment."
I think he was expecting a nice round of applause just then. I think his writers thought this would be a rallying cry, a new catchphrase, a sound byte.
I don't think so.
This is our generation's Sputnik moment?
I guess they didn't have time to focus group this line.
The big mistake was referencing a Soviet Russian achievement. That never sits well with most Americans. Who wants to be reminded of that? Why not reference something uniquely American to make the same point?
They can't because they really don't know much about America.
Sputnik? It reminds me of the word "sputter". Using Obama's analogy of a car heading over a cliff, our economic engine is sputtering while Mr. Obama refuses to merely fill the tank and charge the battery. Instead, he has a Blue Ribbon Comittee of auto mechanics, academics and politicians studying the problem while he puts the pedal to the metal and floods the engine - with more debt.
So here's to our Sputnik moment, as our economy goes sput-sput-sputterin' along.
I think he was expecting a nice round of applause just then. I think his writers thought this would be a rallying cry, a new catchphrase, a sound byte.
I don't think so.
This is our generation's Sputnik moment?
I guess they didn't have time to focus group this line.
The big mistake was referencing a Soviet Russian achievement. That never sits well with most Americans. Who wants to be reminded of that? Why not reference something uniquely American to make the same point?
They can't because they really don't know much about America.
Sputnik? It reminds me of the word "sputter". Using Obama's analogy of a car heading over a cliff, our economic engine is sputtering while Mr. Obama refuses to merely fill the tank and charge the battery. Instead, he has a Blue Ribbon Comittee of auto mechanics, academics and politicians studying the problem while he puts the pedal to the metal and floods the engine - with more debt.
So here's to our Sputnik moment, as our economy goes sput-sput-sputterin' along.