As an ordinary American citizen I am really quite happy that Wikileaks has published all of the recent State Department cables. In fact, I am very happy that Wikileaks does what it does and I hope it continues to do so for a very long time.
Some of you may say, " Mother dear, how can you support Wikileaks? They are endangering our men and women fighting overseas. They are causing damage to US credibility. Julian Assange is a terrorist and should be shot, etc., etc.,, ad nauseum."
I will answer. Julian Assange and Wikileaks are not terrorists, they are not whatever you say they are. As far as I am concerned they are doing the American people and the world a huge service. As an American citizen I want to know what my government is REALLY doing. I'm really sick of this covert B.S. in the name of National Security. To put it bluntly I don't trust them and they need to be exposed. We need to expose all the nonsense perpetrated in the name of the American people and with our tax dollars. I don't know about the rest of you but I like to know what I'm paying for. And from what I have been seeing over the last 20 + years, I think the American taxpayer has been getting the $*!+ end of the stick.
There was a time in this country when our press had the balls to publish the Pentagon Papers and the revelations of Deep Throat. But those days are just a memory. The US press has become nothing more than a lapdog of Washington DC.
So into this vacuum, this void in investigative journalism, Wikileaks has, thankfully, appeared.